About $PS1

What is $PS1 and where to get it?

$PS1 is the No. 1 Sports Cryptocurrency which is available and traded on Centralized and De-Centralized exchanges. It is the native token that will be used across the Polysports Ecosystem to perform various transactions.

You can buy $PS1 tokens on the below exchanges:



Click here to know more about buying $PS1 from the exchanges mentioned above. You can also buy $PS1 within the Polysports app using INR and USD and convert it to Game Coins.

What are Game Coins and its uses?

Game Coins is a derivative of the $PS1 cryptocurrency. 1 Game Coin = ~0.0125 USD or ~=1 INR. worth of $PS1. Game Coin is an in-game currency that is used exclusively on the Polysports app to join contests, play casual games, predictions, and play sports quizzes. Game Coins are not available to buy or trade on any Centralized or De-Centralized exchange.

What are the utilities of $PS1?
  • Convert $PS1 into Game Coins to Play DFS, Casual Games, Predictions, and Sports Quizzes.

  • Earn $PS1 Staking Rewards

  • Buy & Trade $PS1 on Centralized and De-centralized exchanges

How can I swap Matic to $PS1?

Once you’ve bought Matic, you can transfer it to your Polysports blockchain wallet and it will reflect in the “Matic” section of the Blockchain wallet. Once it reflects in the “Matic” section, you can transfer it to $PS1 and then convert it to PS Game Coins.

Last updated